Organization of
(live and online)
Postgraduate Summer School has just started!
The Summer School consists of 5-days lectures.
The aim of the Summer School is to introduce basics, the state-of-the-art, recent successes, and future challenges in Green Chemistry to students from around the globe to develop their professional careers in chemical sciences and technologies.

Dear Colleagues
With a great pleasure I would like to welcome you to the next
13th Postgraduate Summer School on Green Chemistry 2020.
This 2020 Edition of the Summer School follows the previous one held online as a result of COVID-19 pandemic (
In addition, we will do our best to hold the 2020 edition on live as well.
We will do our best efforts to hold the present edition on live, as well.
You may already know about previous 12 successful editions of the Summer School, in particular the one took place in Palazzo Ducale in St. Mark’s Square in Venice.
We want now to tune the next Summer School to the good outcomes of the Symposium “Chemistry addressing UN-17 sustainable development goals” (Paris, IUPAC General Assembly and Congress, 8th July 2019 by inviting:
- outstanding teachers
- major chemical industries
- top level students
Thanks to the generous participations of the sponsors, to attend the school delivered by Remote, some postgraduate students coming from developing countries will be awarded with a scholarship of € 60 each.
Fee (tentatively)
- remote 60 €
- in person: 650 € (accommodation, breakfast and lunches for 5 days included)
Main topics will be:
- Benign synthesis routes
- Green catalysis
- Alternative solvents
- Renewable and green raw materials
- Green chemistry for energy
- Clean processes
- Green Chemistry education
For further information and the programme will be announced soon.
In this Summer School, postgraduate students will also have an immense opportunity to demonstrate their research works during Virtual Poster Session of the Summer School. The best posters will be selected and awarded by the sponsors at the award ceremony. All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
The Summer School will provide the best possible platform for postgraduate students from different countries to interact with well-known scientists/educators in the field of Green Chemistry, to exchange ideas with their peers, to create a research network, and to develop a friendship with attendants at an international level. We will do our utmost to ensure that these links and connections will be permanent, and you will be able to meet in person as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic will be over!
I invite all participants to actively participate with their suggestions and ideas during the Summer School with hope that closer connections are established also for the future.
We look forward to seeing you all online or in-person.

Pietro Tundo
Chairman, Organizing Committee